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While both fixed wireless broadband and mobile broadband offer wireless internet access, there are key differences between the two technologies that make fixed wireless broadband a superior choice for certain use cases.

In this article, we will explore what makes fixed wireless broadband better than mobile broadband by comparing their differences in technology, and factors to consider.

What is a Fixed Wireless Broadband?

Put simply, fixed wireless broadband refers to a service that provides internet connectivity using radio waves to transmit data between an antenna on a fixed location, such as a home or business, and a nearby base station.

What is Mobile Broadband?

Mobile broadband allows users to connect to the internet wirelessly using cellular networks, making it accessible on-the-go via smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

In this article, we will delve into the advantages of fixed wireless broadband over mobile broadband through their differences in technology, use cases for each, factors to consider when choosing between the two, and a conclusion summarizing the key differences.

Differences in Technology

Fixed wireless broadband and mobile broadband differ in their underlying technology, which impacts their performance and coverage areas.

  1. Signal transmission: Fixed wireless broadband uses line-of-sight communication, where the antenna at the user’s location needs to have a clear line of sight to the base station for optimal performance. In contrast, mobile broadband relies on cellular networks that use multiple cellular towers to transmit signals, allowing for wider coverage but potentially lower speeds in certain areas.
  2. Infrastructure: Fixed wireless broadband requires the installation of a physical antenna and base station, which may involve additional setup costs and installation time. On the other hand, mobile broadband utilizes existing cellular infrastructure, making it more readily available in urban areas.
  3. Coverage areas: Fixed wireless broadband is typically available in rural or remote areas where physical cables are not feasible or cost-effective to install. It can bridge the connectivity gap in underserved or unserved areas, providing internet access to communities that may not have access to other types of broadband. In contrast, mobile broadband is more suitable for urban areas with established cellular networks, where coverage is generally more extensive.

What are the Factors to Consider?

When choosing between fixed wireless broadband and mobile broadband, it’s important to consider factors such as:

  • Data usage,
  • Pricing,
  • Contract terms,
  • Coverage,
  • Speed and reliability,
  • Portability, and
  • Installation/setup requirements.

Carefully evaluate your needs and budget to make an informed decision that best fits your specific requirements.


Both fixed wireless broadband and mobile broadband have their advantages and use cases. Fixed wireless broadband is ideal for rural or remote areas, providing reliable internet access where wired options may not be available. It can also serve as a backup connectivity option for businesses or households.

On the other hand, mobile broadband is more suitable for urban areas, offering portability and flexibility for users who are constantly on the move. It is also convenient for temporary setups or on-the-go connectivity. What makes fixed wireless broadband better than mobile broadband? Three words – reliable connectivity and speed.